The level meter shows how loud you are singing.
The higher the green bar, the more total energy is in the sound.
The pitch algorithm works best when the sound in your voice is between
2 and 9.5 (red lines are marked on the level meter at these points).
HOWEVER, if the background noise (when you are not singing) is much
greater than 2 on the meter, the pitch algorithm may have difficulty.
If this excess noise is not due to something outside your computer, it
could be coming from a low quality sound-card device or microphone.
try to minimise external noise such as fans or air conditioning, and
preferably use a good quality microphone. You may find that a headset
mounted microphone is preferable because it will pick up your voice much
more clearly than the ambient noise in the room.
The scale is marked off in 10 steps. Each step is 6dB, which is a doubling
of the sound pressure amplitude.
The actual loudness of the voice will depend on your microphone, how
far it is from your mouth, and how much amplification is given by your
audio recording device. See the setup instructions for
details of altering the sound control panel and recording mixer on your